Tag Archives: paleo protein bars

The PROTEIN Guide: Bodybuilders With Food Allergies

Note: Any of the products I’m suggesting I am not being paid to mention. I have actually tried and tested these products myself.

These days, it is the norm to hear people mention a food allergy or intolerance: gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts, shellfish, and soy just to name a few. This can make it especially hard for those weight training when trying to find a protein powder or a bar they can eat without having side effects.

Some people (like myself) choose to only eliminate their food intolerance(s) while some other people will go all out vegan, paleo, or create their own special diet.

Sadly, I’m dairy intolerant. Prior to my blood test results, dairy was a staple in my diet. I had to learn my way around this new food obstacle and I found there were items that could be replaced without killing my taste buds. Of course, you can never truly replicate cheese – sorry Daiya, you’re close.


I had just bought a huge 4 lb container of MusclePharm’s Combat whey protein powder in my favorite chocolate peanut butter flavor. I stood there for what felt like hours just staring at it blankly. Then, I finally walked away after a very heavy sigh.

I had tried Jay Robb’s egg-white protein powder in the past and didn’t really enjoy it. I then bought some Hemp protein powder by Nutiva and after two attempts, it’s been in my cabinet ever since. It’s hard to compete with the taste of some of the whey protein powders out there that are packed with what I want AND the taste I need.


Finally, after doing a ton of research, I found PlantFusion. It’s a totally vegan protein powder that has:

  • No Dairy
  • No Soy
  • No Animal
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Gluten Free

1 scoop (30g) contains: 120 calories, 2g fat, 4g carbs, 4g sugar (frutose), and 21g of protein. Not bad!

I use the Chocolate and Cookies n Creme flavors on their own (sometimes add some peanut butter). With the Vanilla Bean, I toss in some frozen fruit. Tasty!  I have not tried the Natural or Chocolate Raspberry. They do have a new product called “Phood” which I’m definitely going to order and try out! It’s supposed to be your daily supplements and protein shake all in one.


My next favorite vegan protein powder I found is by Sun Warrior. I have only used their Vanilla flavor and give it two thumbs up. This company has a variety of products most everything is Raw, Non-GMO, Organic and Vegan.

Both products contain a high profile of essential amino acids in a complete, balanced profile. Both also contain pea protein, which is a remarkable source of plant-based proteins and amino acids. Protein from peas satisfies all FAO essential amino acid requirements and include Lysine, Arginine, Glutamine, Leucine, Isoleucine & Valine (BCAAs).


Next on my list was finding a bar that (a) was friendly to food allergies (b) wasn’t a sugar bar, and (c) tasted delicious.


This wasn’t an easy process. First I tried KIND bars. These, I admit, are very tasty, yet they just don’t contain the amount of protein I was wanting. Only 3g of protein per bar isn’t cutting it. These are NOT for anyone with a nut allergy, since the bar is basically all nuts. But, if you’re looking for a snack, this pretty much nails it.


Next on my list, was Betty Lou’s Organic Cacao Acai Bar. These bars contain cashews only, no other nuts. Again, the protein came in at a slim 5g per bar. The taste? Oddly very good.


I was about to call it quits when I stumbled upon a bar that blew my mind….seriously. AMRAP Bar Almond & Honey made me love life again. This isn’t vegan because it contains egg-white protein and to the nutty folks, sorry, it has almonds. Each bar delivers 15g of protein and this is becoming THE bar for the paleo enthusiasts. The bar itself is dense, so it fills you up. By the texture and taste, you can tell they went all out on quality for their bars. They also have Cashew & Vanilla and Fig & Cacao which I haven’t tried yet, but ordered them today!


Last, but certainly not least, is an innovative bar I stumbled upon this past summer on a trip to Austin, TX.  EPIC bars are not your average protein bar. It’s a meat bar, but is softer than jerky, and contains ancient berries and premium nuts. All of their bars are 100% grass fed meat and my two faves are the Bison Bacon Cranberry bar and the Beef Habanero Cherry bar. Their other flavors include Turkey Almond Cranberry and Lamb Current Mint. With 10-14g of protein per bar and an “epic” source of omega-3, CLA, vitamins E and B12, antioxidants, niacin…and are gluten-free with no added sugar? I don’t know if it can get better than this! Seriously. These are what I call my “MAN” bars and I always try to keep one in my bag. When I flew back home I was thankful to find them at my local Whole Foods Market!


Go ahead, don’t be shy – leave a comment with your favorites. I’m always game to try some new things.

Tristan "Lucky"

Written by: Tristan “Lucky”